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2084 Trilogy Series

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Word Count: Information not available

Summary: In 2084, Planet Earth was utterly destroyed by a rogue comet and around 25,000 surviving humans were transported to Capitol Base on Mars. These humans included Ewan and Jill Sinclair. Their son Jack Crossan Sinclair is the first Martian child born on Mars and graduates as a geologist. He leads a project to conduct geological surveys to find extractable mineral resources close to Olympus Mons. However, a powerful and secret pseudo-religious organisation back at Capitol Base makes it their mission to stop Jack, at all costs.

2112 Revelation - Derek Beaugarde
2112 Revelation

Word Count: Information not available

Summary: In 2048 BCE, the ancient Egyptian ruler Mentuhotep II of the Upper Kingdom of Mizraim campaigns to overtake the Lower Kingdom and become Supreme Pharaoh of all Egypt. At the same time, the last few Bor-ak survivors of the destroyed Red Planet, which the Egyptians called Horus, were coming for one last fly-by of the Blue Planet, before heading out of the solar system, searching for new worlds to inhabit. Mentuhotep saw the arrival of the Eye of Horus as a sign that the gods favoured his campaign and implored the Bor-ak to destroy his enemies. Meanwhile, his beautiful daughter Princess Iset has fallen for humble soldier Achillas and Mentuhotep plans to thwart the undesirable union. Would the Bor-ak side with Mentuhotep in his military campaign and efforts to dissuade Princess Iset?

2048 BCE - The Eye of the Horus - Derek Beaugarde
2048 BCE The Eye of Horus