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GodChosen Series

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Word Count: Information not available

Summary: A prophecy to a 16-year-old blacksmith’s son sends Trygare kan Ingan from his home in the Cymenean glyns, armed only with his father’s sword. Being GodChosen isn’t easy. The woman he wants doesn’t want him ; the man who should be his best friend thinks him laughable, and everyone ridicules his youth, to say nothing of his glyndweller accent. Slaying a dragon and defending the country from invaders changes their minds, and things are going nicely, but then the gods interfere… Tragedy strikes, sending Trygare to a foreign land where his true destiny lies… …to become the ancestor of a dynasty that will rule his planet for three thousand years.

GodChosen - TS Snow - GodChosen

Word Count: Information not available

Summary: By his own admission, Riven kan Ingan is a non-believer, denying the existence of magic or religion. He may have been raised by the Margrave of Francovia, but as the son of a barbarian sellsword, he’s never allowed to forget his foreign ancestry. Determined to fulfill the prophecy that he’s to become a king, Riven schemes to hurry his destiny along by marrying the margrave’s daughter, Aleza. Unfortunately, the gods of Arcanis, insulted by his denial of their existence, have other plans. When Aleza is kidnapped by the sorcerer Mahldimir Djaan-Baih, Riven swears a bloodseek oath to rescue her. The princess is restored to her, father but there’s no Happily Ever After for the young skeptic. Thanks to the gods, Riven falls in love with a woman he can’t have. There’s nothing he can do to forget her and no way he can claim her…and this punishment is just the beginning.

An Oath on His Sword - TS Snow - GodChosen
An Oath on His Sword

Word Count: Information not available

Summary: LIFE IS GOOD FOR A MIDDLE-AGED COUNTRY NOBLE… At least Riven kan Ingan thinks so. A few things could be better, of course, such as his volatile relationship with eldest son, Val, but his estate is prospering, his other children are still obedient, and his beloved Barbara is as feisty as ever. Even the barbaric Ghermians have settled peacefully within Francovia’s borders. Too soon, the bubble of contentment bursts. When a new margrave comes to power, civil war looms, turning native Francovians against its foreign-born citizens. Morling Ledeval demands an oath of loyalty from his subjects, and Riven is forced to make a choice. Will he risk home and family to follow a madman or become a traitor to the country he loves?

Blood Song - TS Snow - GodChosen
Blood Song

Word Count: Information not available

Summary: A NEW DYNASTY IS BROUGHT INTO BEING… With the death of their parents in the Genocide Wares, Riven kan Ingan’s sons flee to separate countries to escape the margrave’s wrath. All agree to return when the time is right, to help elder brother Val avenge their parents. In the meantime, adventure, danger, and love await and there’s plenty of each before they hear Val’s call. Returning to a country ravaged by an insane king, a bittersweet homecoming awaits their quest for vengeance. Each of the five face their own choices as they fulfil the Drune priest’s prophecy made to their grandfather. Now, it’s up to the gods: Which of Riven’s sons will be the first ruler of the kan Ingan dynasty?

Crown on a Barbarian Brow - TS Snow - GodChosen
The Crown on A Barbarian Brow

Word Count: Information not available

Summary: Riven kan Ingan may have married his beloved Barbara. He may have become a noble by the margrave’s grace but the gods aren’t finished with him. Not yet. Though Riven admits married life makes him a lovestruck fool, he refuses to be the cuckold when he returns from battle to find his wife pregnant with a child he couldn’t have sired. In a fury at her supposed infidelity, he dares the gods’ wrath and abandons her, only to become the scapegoat when a blood curse strikes his people. Haunted by Barbara’s memory, Riven begins a quest to find the one who cursed him. He’ll return to the land of his birth, unearth long-hidden family secrets, and suffer more loss and grief. Only when his pride is ground to dust and he’s dependent upon an old enemy’s mercy will he be free to rid himself of the blood curse.

Curse Quest - TS Snow - GodChosen
Curse Quest