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Writer Fuel: Space Hurricanes Could Help Us Find More Exoplanets

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Young stars are surrounded by chaos: Clouds of gas, dust and ice swirl about in a so-called protoplanetary disk. And when gravity binds this material together, planets are born. Using the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) in Chile, researchers developed a new technique to measure and date infant exoplanets forming in these protoplanetary disks. By … Read more

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Astronomy: Some Asteroids are Space Pillows – Piles of Hard to Destroy Rubble

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Dust collected from the surface of an ancient, peanut-shaped and “potentially-hazardous” asteroid has revealed that some space rocks are much bouncier and harder to destroy than first thought — posing concerns about Earth’s long-term safety. The analysis of three tiny dust particles — gathered from the surface of the 1640-foot-long (500 meters) rubble pile asteroid … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Could Aliens Be Using Our Sun as a Node in a Giant Internet?

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Are aliens using a quirk of the sun’s gravity to transmit information through an interstellar communication network? For the first time ever, astronomers explored this intriguing possibility and scanned for signals coming from hidden nonhuman probes orbiting the sun. So far, the method hasn’t turned up signs of spacefaring aliens, but it represents a promising … Read more

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Writer Fuel: What;s a Buchdahl Star? And Do They Exist?

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An elusive object in space has posed a riddle for scientists. It looks like a black hole. It acts like a black hole. It may even smell like a black hole. But it has one crucial difference: It has no event horizon, meaning that you can escape its gravitational clutches if you try hard enough. … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Nasa Finds 400 “New” Black Holes, Shrouded By Dust

Black Holes - NASA

Astronomers have uncovered more than 400 previously hidden black holes feeding on stars and dust in the center of galaxies. It appears that many of the new black holes, discovered using NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory, remained unknown until now because they are buried beneath cocoons of dust. Supermassive black holes, which can be millions of … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Astronomers Map Our Local “Swiss Cheese” Bubble in 3-D

Earth's local "swiss cheese" bubble

An enormous,1,000-light-year-wide “superbubble” surrounds our planet. Now, astronomers have made the first ever 3D map of its magnetic field. The gigantic structure, known as the “Local Bubble,” is a hollow blob of diffuse, hot plasma enclosed by a shell of cold gas and dust along whose surface stars form. It is just one of numerous … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Ten Things We Learned About Black Holes in 2022

Black Hole - Deposit Photos

Black holes are scary beasts — objects so massive that not even light can escape their clutches.  In 2022, we learned more about these gravitational monsters than ever before — from the first direct image of the black hole “heart” at the center of the Milky Way to one of the earliest black hole ancestors … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Geologically Speaking, Mars Isn’t As Dead As We Thought

Olympus Mons, Mars - Deposit Photos

For decades, astronomers assumed that Mars was geodynamically dead — a planet without rumbling earthquakes and erupting volcanoes. Though remnants of towering volcanoes exist on the surface of the Red Planet today, these colossal structures have been dormant for millions of years. With little to no heat firing the planet’s engine, scientists reasoned, Mars became … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Looking Inside Black Holes

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Black holes are some of the most enigmatic objects in the universe. This is partially because the equations of general relativity that we use to understand them break down when studying black holes’ ultra-dense centers. However, a new paper shows how astronomers could one day overcome this challenge by using gravitational waves to “see” inside … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Scientists Theorize Origins of Hell Planet With a Diamond Core

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Scientists studying a distant “hell planet” where clouds rain lava, the oceans are molten and the core is filled with diamonds have found that the nightmarish planet wasn’t always so bad; but it became infernally hot after being yanked closer to its sun. The planet, classified as 55 Cancri e, is nicknamed “Janssen” after Zacharias … Read more