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Writer Fuel: Life on Titan?

Titan in front of Saturn - Deposit Photos

Scientists have discovered that the icy shell of Saturn’s largest moon, Titan, could possess an insulated, six-mile-thick (9.7-kilometer-thick) layer of methane ice beneath its surface. Ironically, this layer may make signs of life from the subsurface ocean of Titan easier to detect. And, down the line, the discovery could benefit the fight against human-driven climate … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Could Climate Change Lead Us Into a New Ice Age?

Earth Ice Age - Deposit Photos

Global warming caused vital Atlantic Ocean currents to collapse just before the last ice age, a new study suggests. The weakening currents triggered a cascade of effects, resulting in a dramatic cooling of the Nordic Seas — the Greenland, Iceland and Norwegian seas — while the surrounding oceans grew warmer. And scientists say we could … Read more

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Writer Fuel: New Mechanical Eyes Based on Cat Eyes Could Improve Robot Vision

cat eyes - deposit photos

A new computer vision system inspired by cats’ eyes could enable robots to see the world around them more accurately than ever before. Robots, drones, self-driving cars and other autonomous systems are becoming more common, but they still struggle to see well in all environments and conditions. For example, self-driving cars perform poorly in rain … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Age of Moon’s Oldest Impact Site Finally Pinned Down

Moon's south pole impact basin - NASA/GSFC/University of Arizona

You don’t need a telescope to see that the moon is riddled with craters. For billions of years, our celestial neighbor has been absolutely bombarded by asteroids and comets, and the assault has left behind a heavily pockmarked lunar surface. The largest and oldest-known impact site on the moon is the South Pole-Aitken (SPA) basin, … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Livers in Space!

liver - deposit photos

Miniature livers will fly aboard the International Space Station in an upcoming study on whether microgravity can encourage the growth of healthy tissue with an ample blood supply. It’s an effort that could potentially lead to personalized, space-grown tissues and organs for use in transplant surgeries, scientists say. In two upcoming experiments, researchers plan to … Read more

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Writer Fuel: We Now (Sort-Of) Know When and Where the First Wheel Was Invented

first wheel - deposit photos

Even though the invention of the wheel around 6,000 years ago revolutionized everything from transportation to pottery making, its exact origins are still a mystery to archaeologists. But a new study using techniques from structural mechanics suggests that Eastern European copper miners may have been the driving force behind three major innovations in wheel technology … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Key Atlantic Ocean Current Could Be Close to Collapse

Ocean Current - Deposit Photos

Forty-four of the world’s leading climate scientists have called on Nordic policymakers to address the potentially imminent and “devastating” collapse of key Atlantic Ocean currents. In an open letter published online Monday (Oct. 21), University of Pennsylvania climatologist Michael Mann and other eminent scientists say the risks of weakening ocean circulation in the Atlantic have … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Are There Tiny Aliens Hiding in Martian Ice?

Mars - Deposit Photos

Tiny photosynthetic microbes could be secretly thriving on Mars — hiding inside small bubbles of liquid water in the thin layers of dusty ice that litter the Red Planet’s surface, a new NASA-led study reveals. Researchers believe the icy patches could be among the most promising targets in the hunt for extraterrestrial life within our … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Did Diseases Doom Early Human Mega Settlements?

ancient village - deposit photos

In my research focused on early farmers of Europe, I have often wondered about a curious pattern through time: Farmers lived in large dense villages, then dispersed for centuries, then later formed cities again, only to abandon those as well. Why? Archaeologists often explain what we call urban collapse in terms of climate change, overpopulation, … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Rappelling into Valles Marineris on Mars

red ridge on Mars - Deposit Photos

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to spend a night on Mars? This excerpt from the new book “Daydreaming in the Solar System” by John E. Moores and Jesse Rogerson, takes a poetic look at what it might be like to explore the Red Planet if you were faced with the daunting … Read more