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Writer Fuel: Scientists Find Mysterious Brain Network That May Be Linked to Multiple Disorders

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Scientists have uncovered a mysterious network of brain connections that is linked to several psychiatric disorders, including schizophrenia, depression and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). This shared brain circuitry could help reveal why many patients who are diagnosed with one psychiatric illness also meet the criteria for a second. “Half of the people we treat meet criteria … Read more

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Writer Fuel: New Device Can Read Your Thoughts – From Your Jugular


After being fed through the jugular vein, a tiny, “thought-controlled” device can record brain activity from a nearby blood vessel, thus eliminating the need for doctors to crack open the skull, a small trial shows. The device, called Stentrode, is designed to let people with paralysis operate assistive technologies using only their thoughts. For example, … Read more

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Writer Fuel: How Does Love Affect Your Brain?

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Falling in love may hit your heart, but what does it do to your brain? It turns out that falling in love corresponds with the release of key brain chemicals from certain regions of the brain, Dr. Gül Dölen (opens in new tab), an associate professor of neuroscience at the Johns Hopkins University School of … Read more

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Writer Fuel: How Does Music Affect Your Brain?

astronaut playing a guitar on the crescent moon, planets in the background - deposit photos

Many people listen to music while working, exercising at the gym, or simply relaxing. But how does music affect your brain? Along with triggering a release of the feel-good hormone dopamine, science has shown that listening to music may boost our cognitive function, potentially relieve symptoms of anxiety and stress, and help us to stay … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Paralyzed Patient “Speaks” With New “Mind Reading” Device

Mind Reading Device - UCSF

A man who developed paralysis and lost his ability to speak following a stroke can now communicate using a system that translates his brain’s electrical signals into individual letters, allowing him to craft whole words and sentences in real time. To use the device, which receives signals from electrodes implanted in his brain, the man … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Could We Split Someone’s Personality in Real Life, Like in “Severance”?


Severance, the hit Apple TV Plus show that landed on our screens earlier this year, truly spoke to the current moment. A world where shadowy, uncaring corporations seek to control our lives, subsume our entire identity within the company apparatus, and manipulate us while promising ‘work-life balance’ – all of these things will feel familiar … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Brain in a Vat?

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Could a brain ever exist on its own, divorced from or independent of a body? For a long time, philosophers have pondered such “brain-in-a-vat” scenarios, asking whether isolated brains could maintain consciousness when separated from their bodies and senses. Typically, a person’s experiences are characterized by a web of interactions between the human brain, body … Read more

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WRITER FUEL: Scientists Unlock the Code Behind “Working Memory”

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The “secret code” the brain uses to create a key type of memory has finally been cracked.  This type of memory, called working memory, is what allows people to temporarily hold on to and manipulate information for short periods of time. You use working memory, for example, when you look up a phone number and … Read more

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WRITER FUEL: Reaching People With “Locked In Syndrome”

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For the first time, a patient in a completely locked-in state due to amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) was able to communicate verbally using a brain-computer interface, according to a new study. This technology allowed the patient, a 37-year old man with ALS, to communicate by forming words and phrases, despite not having any voluntary muscle … Read more

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WRITER FUEL: Do Our Brains Leak Energy?

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Welcome to the latest installment of “Writer Fuel – cool real-world stories that might inspire your little writer heart. Check out our Writer Fuel page on the LimFic blog for more inspiration. Today: Your brain may be leaking … energy, according to a new study that may explain why your noggin consumes 20% of the … Read more