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Writer Fuel: Killer Squirrels in California Have Developed a Taste for Flesh

Squirrel - Deposit Photos

Ground squirrels usually eat seeds and nuts, but in a park in California, these cute, furry creatures have turned into carnivorous killers, mercilessly hunting down voles to peel the flesh from their bones. The unusual new behavior, which researchers caught on camera in Briones Regional Park in Contra Costa County, could be driven by an … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Death Cap Mushrooms Formed a Real Cloine Army to Conquer California

Death Cap mushrooms - Deposit Photos

The world’s deadliest mushroom has been invading California by cloning itself, new research finds. The poisonous “death cap” mushroom (Amanita phalloides) is an invasive fungus whose fatal amatoxin accounts for more than 90% of deaths from mushrooms worldwide, but how it spread from its European origins to colonize every continent except Antarctica has long been … Read more