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Writer Fuel: Neuroscientists Taught Rats to Drive, and the Results Were Amazing

rat driving a car - deposit photos

We crafted our first rodent car from a plastic cereal container. After trial and error, my colleagues and I found that rats could learn to drive forward by grasping a small wire that acted like a gas pedal. Before long, they were steering with surprising precision to reach a Froot Loop treat. As expected, rats … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Are eFuels the Wave of the Future?

e-fuel test - Audi

Hydrogen and natural gas are among the alternative fuels starting to get more attention as car companies work to reduce emissions. But Audi is exploring another option that you may not have heard much about yet: e-fuels. The German automaker, which aims to develop synthetically engineered e-fuels as a viable alternative to gasoline and diesel, … Read more