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Review: Fix the World Anthology

Fix the World Anthology

Genre: Sci-Fi, Some Romance Reviewer: Ulysses, Paranormal Romance Guild Get It On Amazon | Apple | B&N | Kobo | Payhip | Smashwords | Publisher About The Book We’re a world beset by crises. Climate change, income inequality, racism, pandemics, an almost unmanageable tangle of issues. Sometimes it’s hard to look ahead and see a … Read more

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Writer Fuel: How Much of a Risk Are “Zombie Viruses”?

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Locked away in frigid Arctic soils and riverbeds is a world teeming with ancient microbes. Bacteria and viruses that existed thousands of years ago are frozen in time inside prehistoric layers of permafrost. Warming temperatures could cause much of the ice to melt and unleash these microbes from their frosty prisons. Once free, unknown pathogens … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Energy Trapped On Earth in Last 50 Years Equal to 25 Billion Atomic Bombs

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Global warming has trapped an explosive amount of energy in Earth’s atmosphere in the past half century — the equivalent of about 25 billion atomic bombs, a new study finds. In the paper, published April 17 in the journal Earth System Science Data, an international group of researchers estimated that, between 1971 and 2020, around … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Fusion Power is Critical to Our Survival, The Science Guy Says

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What would Bill Nye the Science Guy get our home planet for Earth Day? The ultimate gift: fusion energy. “We need electricity,” Nye told Live Science in an exclusive interview on Thursday (April 20). “We need not only what we can get right now with existing technologies — with wind, and solar and geothermal energy … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Epic Sea Level Rise Likely Drove the Vikings From Greenland

Viking in the Water - Deposit Photos

The Vikings are remembered as fierce fighters, but even these mighty warriors were no match for climate change. Scientists recently found that ice sheet growth and sea level rise led to massive coastal flooding that inundated Norse farms and ultimately drove the Vikings out of Greenland in the 15th century. The Vikings first established a … Read more

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Writer Fuel: New Study Questions Length of Dinosaurs’ “Nuclear Winter”

Dinosaurs running from the meteor strike that made them extinct - Deposit Photos

The asteroid that wiped out the dinosaurs did not trigger a long-lasting impact winter, scientists have found — a discovery that raises new questions about what happened on Earth just after it hit. One spring day 66 million years ago, a 6-mile-wide (10 kilometers) asteroid smashed into the Yucatán Peninsula and upended life on Earth. … Read more

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Writer Fuel: It’s Getting Hot in Here

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For the past three days, from Monday through Wednesday (July 3-5), global temperatures have either broken or matched records for the hottest day on Earth since at least 1979, according to the University of Maine’s Climate Reanalyzer, a tool that compiles data and models to measure the global atmosphere. Monday’s average worldwide temperature climbed to … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Which Animals Are Most Likely to Survive Climate Change?

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As climate change transforms our world, the impacts will be felt unequally, with some animals struggling to survive and others finding ways to overcome the resulting challenges. This phenomenon is increasingly described as the “winners and losers under climate change,” said Giovanni Strona (opens in new tab), an ecologist and former associate professor at the … Read more

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Writer Fuel: What Are “Zombie Viruses” and Are They Dangerous?

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There is a frozen soup of viruses, bacteria and fungal spores lurking beneath the frigid Arctic soil. Unlike the icy leftovers in the back of your freezer, some of these microbes haven’t interacted with a cell since well before ancient Egyptians built the Pyramids of Giza. As climate change continues to cook the planet, however, … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Rising Sea Levels Could Swamp US Coasts by 2050

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Sea levels are likely rising faster than previously thought, meaning low-lying coastal cities in the U.S. could flood far more regularly in the coming decades, a NASA study has revealed. According to the study, which analyzed three decades of satellite observations, by 2050, sea levels along the coastlines of the contiguous U.S. could rise as … Read more