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Writer Fuel: “King Arthur” Site is Far Older Than We Thought

King Arthur - Deposit Photos

A structure in southwest England that’s associated with King Arthur isn’t medieval as scientists had long thought. Instead, it dates back more than 5,000 years, to the Neolithic, or New Stone Age, archaeologists say — thousands of years before the mythical king and his knights are said to have lived. The scientists who were involved … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Are We Here Because of Plate Tectonics?

plate tectonics - deposit photos

Earth’s surface is a turbulent place. Mountains rise, continents merge and split, and earthquakes shake the ground. All of these processes result from plate tectonics, the movement of enormous chunks of Earth’s crust. This movement may be why life exists here. Earth is the only known planet with plate tectonics and the only known planet … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Did Diseases Doom Early Human Mega Settlements?

ancient village - deposit photos

In my research focused on early farmers of Europe, I have often wondered about a curious pattern through time: Farmers lived in large dense villages, then dispersed for centuries, then later formed cities again, only to abandon those as well. Why? Archaeologists often explain what we call urban collapse in terms of climate change, overpopulation, … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Did Roman Gladiators Actually Fight to the Death?

Roman Gladiator - deposit photos

Popular media, such as the 2000 film “Gladiator,” often depict Roman gladiators in gory battles that don’t end until at least one of the fighters is slain. But in real life, did gladiators really fight to the death? In fact, sometimes they did, but not always, experts told Live Science. Alfonso Manas, a researcher at … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Earth May Once Have Had a Ring

Earth with ring - deposit photos

Earth may have had a giant ring of space rocks surrounding it, similar to those around Saturn, which could have led to chaotic meteorite strikes on our planet’s surface, new research suggests. The hypothesized ring may have formed roughly 466 million years ago and was the remains of a gigantic asteroid tugged apart by Earth’s … Read more

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Writer Fuel: The Moon Was Once an Ocean Of Magma

Lava Moon - NASA

Data from India’s recent Chandrayaan-3 mission supports the idea that an ocean of molten rock once covered the moon. Scientists from the mission have published their new findings in the journal Nature. On August 23 2023, a lander called Vikram successfully touched down on the lunar surface. Controllers then deployed a rover called Pragyan, which … Read more

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The Antikythera Mechanism, the World’s Oldest Computer, Followd the Greek Lunar Calendar

The Antikythera mechanism - deposit photos

The Antikythera mechanism — an ancient shoebox-sized device that was used to track the motions of the sun, moon and planets — followed the Greek lunar calendar, not the solar one used by the Egyptians, as was previously thought, new research reveals. The Antikythera mechanism, found by sponge divers off the Greek island of Antikythera … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Rare 1,000 Year-Old Wword “Excalibur” Found in Spain

A sword nicknamed Excalibur was found to date to the Islamic period of Spain during the 10th century. (Image credit: Valencia City Council Archaeology Service)

A rare sword nicknamed ”Excalibur” from the Spanish city of Valencia is 1,000 years old, meaning it was last wielded when much of Spain was controlled by Muslim rulers, new research reveals. The 18-inch-long (46 centimeters) iron sword was found in an upright position inside a grave in 1994, leading its finder to call it … Read more

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Writer Fuel: When Were Earth’s Sea Levels the Highest?

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Sea levels are rising as climate change rapidly melts glaciers and ice sheets and the water within the oceans expands in a warming world. But have sea levels ever been higher than they are today? And when were they the highest? In short, sea levels have easily been higher than they are today. But it’s … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Jewelry Study Reveals Nine Distinct Cultures in Stone Age Europe

A selection of beads dating to the Gravettian period in Europe. (Image credit: J. Baker, et al)

Tens of thousands of years ago, prehistoric humans in Europe adorned themselves with such a wide variety of beads that researchers have classified nine distinct cultural groups across the continent based on their location and distinctive styles. The researchers focused on the Gravettian period, which stretched between 34,000 and 24,000 years ago and was defined … Read more