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Writer Fuel: Age of Moon’s Oldest Impact Site Finally Pinned Down

Moon's south pole impact basin - NASA/GSFC/University of Arizona

You don’t need a telescope to see that the moon is riddled with craters. For billions of years, our celestial neighbor has been absolutely bombarded by asteroids and comets, and the assault has left behind a heavily pockmarked lunar surface. The largest and oldest-known impact site on the moon is the South Pole-Aitken (SPA) basin, … Read more

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Space: Massive Meteroid Impact on Mars Was Largest Ever Recorded

Meteoroid strike crater on Mars

On Dec. 24, 2021, a magnitude 4 marsquake rocked the Red Planet, triggering sensors on NASA’s Insight lander. Now, scientists know exactly what shook things up. Before and after images captured by NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter confirmed it was a meteoroid impact –— the largest on record in the entire solar system. The impact crater, … Read more