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Writer Fuel: Are There Tiny Aliens Hiding in Martian Ice?

Mars - Deposit Photos

Tiny photosynthetic microbes could be secretly thriving on Mars — hiding inside small bubbles of liquid water in the thin layers of dusty ice that litter the Red Planet’s surface, a new NASA-led study reveals. Researchers believe the icy patches could be among the most promising targets in the hunt for extraterrestrial life within our … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Rappelling into Valles Marineris on Mars

red ridge on Mars - Deposit Photos

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to spend a night on Mars? This excerpt from the new book “Daydreaming in the Solar System” by John E. Moores and Jesse Rogerson, takes a poetic look at what it might be like to explore the Red Planet if you were faced with the daunting … Read more

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Writer Fuel: 200 Meteorites Traced Back to Craters on Mars

Mars - Deposit Photos

Believe it or not, debris from Mars has frequently made its way to Earth after powerful impacts hit the Red Planet’s surface and launch it into space. There have been at least 10 of these meteorite-forming events in Mars’ recent history. When these massive impacts occur, meteorites can be flung away from the Red Planet … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Heading to Mars? Here Are Eight Must-See Tourist Attractions

Mars - Deposit Photos

Mars is a planet of vast contrasts — huge volcanoes, deep canyons, and craters that may or may not host running water. It will be an amazing location for future tourists to explore, once we put the first Red Planet colonies into motion. The landing sites for these future missions will likely need to be … Read more

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Writer Fuel: New Mars Express Photos Reveal Grand Canyon Sized “Scar”

The giant "scar," known as Aganippe Fossa, is around 375 miles long from end to end. (Image credit: ESA/DLR/FU Berlin)

A satellite orbiting Mars has captured the best-ever images of a gigantic “scar” carved across the Red Planet’s surface. The dark ravine, which is accompanied by unusual zebra-like stripes, is likely the result of extreme volcanic activity millions of years ago. The striking surface feature, named Aganippe Fossa, is a graben — a “ditch-like groove … Read more

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Review: The Secret of the Martian Girl – Colin Alexander

The Secret of the Martian Girl - Colin Alexander

Genre: Science Fiction, Mystery Reviewer: Scott Get It On Amazon About The Book A long-dead genius. A hidden invention that could save—or doom—humanity. Can Leif find it before it falls into the wrong hands? The Martian Girl is a myth, some people say, created in the dark years after an apocalyptic global war. Perhaps she … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Was Mars Once Much More Like Earth?

Mars terraformed - deposit photos

A collection of rocks scattered on an ancient shoreline on Mars might indicate that the Red Planet was once far more Earth-like than scientists previously thought. The rocks, discovered by NASA’s Curiosity rover, are unusually rich in manganese oxide — a chemical that adds to growing evidence that the once-habitable Mars may have sported Earth-like … Read more

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Review: Storm on Mars – Kate Rauner

Storm on Mars - Kate Rauner

Genre: Sci-Fi, Colonization Reviewer: Scott Get It On Amazon About The Book Something weird happens? Zeker swears it’s not his fault. An AI may be a psychopath’s only friend. Zeker sets out to make a difference in the expanding colony. Gaining a place in the elite Tower Guild proves others recognize his talents, and the … Read more

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Review: Water on Mars – Kate Rauner

Water on Mars - Kate Rauner

Genre: Sci-Fi, Colonization Reviewer: Scott Get It On Amazon | Series Box Set About The Book A girl from an outlying fish farm. A dangerous job on the unforgiving Martian surface. Dreams of fun turn to dread.When Bliss lands a job inside a lava tube, she leaves her boring life back home for the colony’s … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Giant Volcano Discovered Hiding In Plain Sight on Mars

Giant Volcano - Mars

Scientists have discovered a giant volcano on Mars that has been “hidden in plain sight” for more than 50 years. The volcano is around 280 miles (450 kilometers) wide and more than 29,600 feet (9,000 meters) high. It is located in the eastern part of Mars’ Tharsis volcanic province near the planet’s equator, scientists revealed … Read more