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Writer Fuel: What’s This Strange Spiral In the Alaskan Sky?

Space Spiral

An ethereal whirlpool of light recently appeared in the night sky above Alaska, briefly stealing the limelight from a strong auroral display. But the bizarre, spiral-shaped object had nothing to do with the dancing polar lights. Instead, the luminous vortex was just the latest example of what astronomers have nicknamed “SpaceX spirals,” which are becoming … Read more

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WRITER FUEL: The center of the Milky Way is Calling…

milky way - pixabay

We’re launching a brand new feature on Liminal Fiction – “Writer Fuel – cool real-world stories that might inspire your little writer heart. Today:  Astronomers have detected a strange, repeating radio signal near the center of the Milky Way, and it’s unlike any other energy signature ever studied. According to a new paper accepted for … Read more