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Writer Fuel: Why Do Some Planets Have Hundreds of Moons?

moons - deposit photos

On Earth, you can look up at night and see the Moon shining bright from hundreds of thousands of miles away. But if you went to Venus, that wouldn’t be the case. Not every planet has a moon — so why do some planets have several moons, while others have none? I’m a physics instructor … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Twin Spacecraft to Create Mini Eclipses to Study the Sun

Proba-3 mission

Later this year, the European Space Agency (ESA) will launch the Proba-3 mission into orbit around Earth. This unique project’s twin spacecraft will align with each other to create frequent, artificial eclipses in space, which will give researchers near-unlimited access to studying the sun’s outer atmosphere, or corona, for the first time. An upcoming terrestrial … Read more

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Writer Fuel: We Could Have a Tractor Beam In Ten Years

tractor beam - deposit photos

In science fiction films, nothing raises tension quite like the good guys’ spaceship getting caught in an invisible tractor beam that allows the baddies to slowly reel them in. But what was once only a sci-fi staple could soon become a reality. Scientists are developing a real-life tractor beam, dubbed an electrostatic tractor. This tractor … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Radar Satellites Reveal 19,000 Volcanoes on the Ocean Floor

Pao Pao Seamount in the South Pacific Ocean has been mapped by sonar, while thousands of other seamounts are just now being discovered by satellites. (Image credit: NOAA Office of Ocean Exploration and Research)

High-definition radar satellites have revealed more than 19,000 undersea volcanoes around our planet, providing scientists with the most comprehensive catalog of seamounts ever created. The new compendium, which was published April 6 in the journal Earth and Space Science, could provide a better understanding of ocean currents, plate tectonics and climate change. Prior to this, … Read more