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Writer Fuel: New Solar Paint Could Power Electric Vehicles – For Thousands of Miles

car on road with sun in distance - deposit photos

A new type of solar paint could extend the range of electric vehicles (EVs) to thousands of miles. Revealing the technology on Nov. 24, automaker Mercedes-Benz representatives said its new photovoltaic paint could power an EV for up to 7,456 miles (12,000 kilometers) per year in optimal lighting conditions. The “nanoparticle” paint can be applied … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Material Breakthrough Could Revolutionize Solar

solar-powered homes - deposit photos

Researchers have synthesized highly durable solar cells made from perovskite — a common crystal structure (in its natural form a calcium titanium oxide mineral) — in a breakthrough that could revolutionize the solar industry. Solar power is the fastest-growing energy technology and plays a key role in cutting greenhouse gas emissions. Solar power converts sunlight … Read more