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Writer Fuel: Scientists Theorize Origins of Hell Planet With a Diamond Core

hell planet - deposit photos

Scientists studying a distant “hell planet” where clouds rain lava, the oceans are molten and the core is filled with diamonds have found that the nightmarish planet wasn’t always so bad; but it became infernally hot after being yanked closer to its sun. The planet, classified as 55 Cancri e, is nicknamed “Janssen” after Zacharias … Read more

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Writer Fuel: How Did the Milky Way Form?

milky way - pixabay

The exact origins of the Milky Way are shrouded in mystery. But astronomers believe that our home galaxy started out more than 13 billion years ago, and that it was much smaller than its present-day size. How did it grow so much to reach its current size? For that, we can likely thank eons of … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Did Life on Earth Come From Radioactive Space Rocks?

meteor - deposit photos

A special type of radioactive meteorite could have seeded life on Earth, a new study found. Carbonaceous chondrites, a type of radioactive meteorite chock full of water and organic compounds, produce energetic gamma rays that can drive the chemical reactions to synthesize amino acids — the building blocks of life — researchers discovered. Meteorites are … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Life On Venus? Not a Chance

Venus - Pixabay

New research has debunked a controversial 2020 study that claimed to have found the chemical phosphine in Venus’ hellish atmosphere. The chemical’s reported existence had hinted that there was alien life on the planet. In 2020, a team of researchers announced that they had found phosphine in Venus’ atmosphere using data collected by the Japanese … Read more

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Writer Fuel: South Africa’s MeerKAT Telescope Joins the Search for Aliens

MeerKAT dish - Wikipedia

One of the world’s largest telescopes has just joined the hunt for signs of alien life elsewhere in the cosmos. Since 2016, the Breakthrough Listen project has been quietly using radio telescopes to listen for unusual radio signals, or technosignatures, from potential advanced extraterrestrial civilizations within the Milky Way. The project, launched in part by … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Scientists Discover Evidence of Meteor Impact on Mars That caused Massive Tsunami

Mars - Pixabay

A newly discovered impact crater on Mars was likely left by an enormous asteroid that slammed into the Red Planet around 3.4 billion years ago and may have triggered an 800-foot-tall “mega-tsunami.” The colossal explosion was similar to the asteroid impact on Earth that wiped out the nonavian dinosaurs, a new study shows. From about … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Can We “Rendezvous with Rama” the next Oumuamua?


A team of scientists has proposed building an “interstellar interceptor,” a spacecraft capable of getting up-close and personal with the next asteroid or comet to enter the solar system. So far, astronomers have spotted two such objects whizzing through our star system: The cigar-shaped interstellar visitor ‘Oumuamua, which was first spotted in October 2017 and … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Scientists Find Enormous Cluster of Galaxies Hidden in the “Zone of Avoidance”

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Astronomers have detected an enormous extragalactic structure hiding in an uncharted region of space far beyond the Milky Way’s center. This phantom region, known as the zone of avoidance, is a blank spot on our map of the universe, comprising somewhere between 10% and 20% of the night sky. The reason we can’t see it … Read more

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Writer Fuel: How Old is the Universe? And How Do We Know?

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Scattered across the vacuum of space are stars, galaxies, stellar remnants and other objects that are billions upon billions of years old. The age of the universe is now thought to be about 13.8 billion years — almost unfathomable. But how do we know that? We can determine the age of the universe (to an … Read more

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Space: Massive Meteroid Impact on Mars Was Largest Ever Recorded

Meteoroid strike crater on Mars

On Dec. 24, 2021, a magnitude 4 marsquake rocked the Red Planet, triggering sensors on NASA’s Insight lander. Now, scientists know exactly what shook things up. Before and after images captured by NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter confirmed it was a meteoroid impact –— the largest on record in the entire solar system. The impact crater, … Read more