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Writer Fuel: NASA Videos Show How World Is Choking in CO2

Carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuels are heavily concentrated in the Northern Hemisphere, but they drift southward as the months go by. (Image credit: NASA Scientific Visualization Studio

Earth is being choked by a thick, curling fog of carbon dioxide that coats the planet as the months go by, a series of NASA videos shows. The newly released animations visualize the astonishing scale of human carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions over a year by coloring the invisible greenhouse gas. The animations were produced by … Read more

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Writer Fuel: “Viking Disease” Linked to Neanderthal Genes

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Neanderthal genes may be one cause of the disorder nicknamed the “Viking disease,” in which fingers become frozen in a bent position, a new study finds. The study, published June 14 in the journal Molecular Biology and Evolution, finds gene variants that were inherited from Neanderthals that dramatically increase the odds of developing the condition, … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Mysterious Brain Wave Spirals Might Help Explain Human Thought

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Mysterious, spiral signals have been discovered in the human brain, and the scientists who found the swirls think they could help to organize complex brain activity. The signals, which appeared as swirling spirals of brain waves across the outer layer of the brain, were discovered in functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) brain scans of 100 … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Do Fish Drink?

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Fish are constantly surrounded by water, but do they get thirsty? And how would they even drink? To answer these question, it’s crucial to understand how water — a solvent — interacts with other substances like salt, which is a solute, across a cell membrane. Through a process called osmosis, water flows across a membrane … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Will Quantum Computers Surpass “Classical” Ones Soon?

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Quantum computers could beat classical ones at answering practical questions within two years, a new experiment from IBM computers shows. The demonstration hints that true quantum supremacy, in which quantum computers overtake classical digital ones, could be here surprisingly soon. “These machines are coming,” Sabrina Maniscalco, CEO of Helsinki-based quantum-computing startup Algorithmiq, told Nature News. … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Bronze Age Sword Still Shines

Bronze-Age Sword - Image credit: Bronzezeitliches Schwert aus Nördlingen; Archäologie-Büro Dr. Woidich

Archaeologists in Germany have unearthed a sword from a Bronze Age burial, and the weapon is in such good condition that it still gleams. The 3,000-year-old sword, discovered in the town of Nördlingen in Bavaria, was found in the burial of a man, woman and child. It appears that the trio were buried in quick … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Doctors Identify Gene That Causes Insatiable Hunger

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Two children who experienced intense, insatiable hunger that drove them to overeat have rare, never-before-seen genetic mutations that interfere with leptin, a key hormone that helps tell the body when it is full, a new case report says. After white fat cells make leptin, it plugs into the brainstem and hypothalamus, brain regions that help … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Reanimated Hearts Could Save More Transplant Patients

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A method for “reanimating” organ donors’ hearts works just as well as the standard approach to collecting hearts for transplantation, new trial data shows. If widely applied, the method could increase the heart donor pool by an estimated 30%. “Honestly if we could snap our fingers and just get people to use this, I think … Read more

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Writer Fuel: The Nazca Lines of Peru

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The Nazca Lines, a group of hundreds of mysterious geoglyphs etched into the desert in Peru, have mystified scientists for nearly a century. People from ancient civilizations made the drawings over a period of hundreds of years, beginning around 200 B.C. By analyzing the style and subject matter of the drawings and the methods used … Read more

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Dying Stars Build Cocoons that Shake the Fabric of Space-Time

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Since the first direct detection of the space-time ripples known as gravitational waves was announced in 2016, astronomers regularly listen for the ringing of black holes across the universe. Projects like the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (better known as LIGO) have detected almost 100 collisions between black holes (and sometimes neutron stars), which shake up … Read more