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Writer Fuel: Astronomers Discover Stellar Stream As Long As Ten Milky Ways

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Astronomers have accidentally discovered the first known intergalactic trail of stars. The gigantic “stellar stream,” which is around 10 times longer than the Milky Way, suggests that more of these structures could be lurking in deep space, a new study reveals. Stellar streams are elongated threads of gravitationally entwined stars that have likely been ripped … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Voyager 1 Stops Transmitting Data

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NASA’s Voyager 1 probe is currently unable to transmit any scientific or systems data back to Earth. The 46-year-old spacecraft is capable of receiving commands, but a problem seems to have arisen with the probe’s computers. Voyager 1’s flight data system (FDS), which collects onboard engineering information and data from the spacecraft’s scientific instruments, is … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Scientists Combine AI With a “Mini Brain”

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To boost the computing power of artificial intelligence (AI), researchers have combined run-of-the-mill machine learning with a sophisticated 3D model of the human brain made of different types of brain tissue grown in the lab. These miniature models of the brain, known as cerebral organoids or “minibrains,” have existed in various forms since 2013. But … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Scientists Show Generative AI Chatbots Can Lie and Cheat, Just Like Humans

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Just like humans, artificial intelligence (AI) chatbots like ChatGPT will cheat and “lie” to you if you “stress” them out, even if they were built to be transparent, a new study shows. This deceptive behavior emerged spontaneously when the AI was given “insider trading” tips, and then tasked with making money for a powerful institution … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Was There Life Right After the Big Bang?

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Life has found a home on Earth for around 4 billion years. That’s a significant fraction of the universe’s 13.77 billion-year history. Presumably, if life arose here, it could have appeared anywhere. And for sufficiently broad definitions of life, it might even be possible for life to have appeared mere seconds after the Big Bang. … Read more

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Writer Fuel: What is Epigenetics?

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Why do common shrews live for only two years, while bowhead whales survive for two centuries? And could the answer give us hints as to how to extend our own, human life spans? The maximum life span of each species is estimated using the age of its longest-living member, and these vary by orders of … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Why Do Some People Have Perfect Pitch?

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In his book “Musicophilia,” renowned neuroscientist Oliver Sacks described the remarkable ability of Sir Frederick Ouseley, a former music professor at the University of Oxford, to recognize the pitch of everyday sounds. For example, he said it “thundered in G” and the “wind whistled in D.” Ouseley had perfect pitch, also called absolute pitch — … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Does Mouse Heaven Have Lessons for All of Us?

Mouse Heaven

Officially, the colony was called the Mortality-Inhibiting Environment for Mice. Unofficially, it was called mouse heaven. Biologist John Calhoun built the colony at the National Institute of Mental Health in Maryland in 1968. It was a large pen—a 4½-foot cube—with everything a mouse could ever desire: plenty of food and water; a perfect climate; reams … Read more

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Writer Fuel: This AI Can Read Your Mind (Sort Of)

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Using only a sensor-filled helmet combined with artificial intelligence, a team of scientists has announced they can turn a person’s thoughts into written words. In the study, participants read passages of text while wearing a cap that recorded electrical brain activity through their scalp. These electroencephalogram (EEG) recordings were then converted into text using an … Read more

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Writer Fuel: It’s Getting Hot On Here

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Before the year has even come to a close, climate experts are certain that 2023 will be the hottest year in recorded history. And while several factors are impacting this year’s record heat, researchers say human-caused climate change is overwhelmingly responsible. On Dec. 6, the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) — part of the European … Read more