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Writer Fuel: What Are Crop Circles?

crop circle - deposit photos

Crop circles are a very straightforward phenomenon: They are a type of landscape art made by humans. Despite evidence to the contrary, some people remain convinced that crop circles were made by aliens brought by UFOs. But how did unidentified flying objects come to be linked with flattened expanses of cereal grains? And why have … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Is the Universe Flat?

universe - deposit photos

The universe may seem shapeless because it is so vast, but it does have a form that astronomers can observe. So, what is it shaped like? Physicists think the universe is flat. Several lines of evidence point to this flat universe: light left over from the Big Bang, the rate of expansion of the universe … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Paralyzed Patient “Speaks” With New “Mind Reading” Device

Mind Reading Device - UCSF

A man who developed paralysis and lost his ability to speak following a stroke can now communicate using a system that translates his brain’s electrical signals into individual letters, allowing him to craft whole words and sentences in real time. To use the device, which receives signals from electrodes implanted in his brain, the man … Read more

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Writer Fuel: What Happens When ET Calls?

alien pn phone - midjourney

If extraterrestrial life sent us a message tomorrow, how would humanity respond? According to researchers, we don’t know yet — and that’s a problem. That’s why, for the first time in 35 years, a team of policy experts and scientists have united to establish a set of alien-contact protocols for the entire world to follow … Read more

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Writer Fuel: How Old is the Universe? And How Do We Know?

galaxies / the universe - deposit photos

Scattered across the vacuum of space are stars, galaxies, stellar remnants and other objects that are billions upon billions of years old. The age of the universe is now thought to be about 13.8 billion years — almost unfathomable. But how do we know that? We can determine the age of the universe (to an … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Forensic Artist Reconstructs Face of an 18th Century “Vampire”

18th Century Vampire

In the late 18th century, a man was buried in Griswold, Connecticut, with his femur bones arranged in a criss-cross manner — a placement indicating that locals thought he was a vampire. However, little else was known about him. More than 200 years later, DNA evidence is revealing what he may have looked like. (And yes, he … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Are Cats a Liquid?

cat crawling through a fence - deposit photos

Cats are so flexible that a 2014 study half-jokingly investigated whether felines are liquids. But joking aside, traditional fluid mechanics can’t explain the impressive contortions kitties can take when squeezing through small holes. So how do cats pull off these feats? The key to cats’ ability to apparently “flow” like fluids through tiny gaps is … Read more

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Space: Massive Meteroid Impact on Mars Was Largest Ever Recorded

Meteoroid strike crater on Mars

On Dec. 24, 2021, a magnitude 4 marsquake rocked the Red Planet, triggering sensors on NASA’s Insight lander. Now, scientists know exactly what shook things up. Before and after images captured by NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter confirmed it was a meteoroid impact –— the largest on record in the entire solar system. The impact crater, … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Could We Be Due for a Massive Radiation Storm?

Shimmering blue aurora over marsh - Deposit Photos

A series of sudden and colossal spikes in radiation levels across Earth’s history could have come from a series of unknown, unpredictable and potentially catastrophic cosmic events, a new study has revealed. Named Miyake events after the lead author of the first study to describe them, the spikes occur roughly once every 1,000 years or … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Bacteria Could Survive Underground On Mars for a Long, Long Time

Mars - Pixabay

As Elton John once sang, “Mars ain’t the kind of place to raise your kids; in fact, it’s cold as hell.” But new research suggests that Martian chill could allow bacteria to survive for up to 280 million years below the planet’s surface.  The finding raises hopes that traces of ancient life — or even … Read more