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Writer Fuel: Can Black Holes Explode?

Black hole - deposit photos

Black holes are cosmic vacuum cleaners — massive objects so large that not even light can escape them. Most people imagine black holes do nothing but sit there and devour wandering pieces of gas or dust. But could black holes actually have more interesting interior lives? Could they, for instance, explode? If an “explosion” is … Read more

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Writer Fuel: How Long Does Evolution Take?

human evolution - pixabay

Charles Darwin famously marveled at the “endless forms most beautiful and most wonderful” produced by evolution, and indeed, Earth today teems with an estimated 1 trillion species. But how long did it take those species to evolve? The answer varies widely across lifeforms, “depending on taxa [type of creature] and environmental conditions,” Thomas Smith, a … Read more

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WRITER FUEL: How Close Are We to Climate Tipping Points?

Climate Change - Deposit Photos

Climate tipping points — the “points of no return” past which key components of Earth’s climate will begin to irreversibly break down — could be triggered by much lower temperatures than scientists previously thought, with some tipping points potentially already reached. There are also many more potential tipping points than scientists previously identified, according to … Read more

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Writer Fuel: How Water Bears Survive Being Dried Out

tardigrade / water bear - deposit photos

Tiny tardigrades can survive conditions that would kill most other forms of life. By expelling their body’s water and transforming into a seemingly lifeless ball called a tun, they enter a state of dried-up suspended animation in which they can survive for decades without food and water and withstand extreme temperatures, pressures and even the … Read more

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Writer Fuel: What’s the World’s Oldest Civilization?

Vietnam Ruins - pixabay

Countless civilizations have risen and fallen over the millennia. But which one is the oldest on record? About 30 years ago, this question seemed to have a straightforward answer. Around 4000 B.C., the earliest phase of the Sumerian culture arose as the oldest civilization in the Mesopotamia region, in what is now mostly Iraq. The … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Byzantine Coin May Show “Forbidden” Supernova Explosion

Byzantine Coin

In A.D. 1054, a nearby star ran out of fuel and blew up in a dazzling supernova explosion. Though located 6,500 light-years away, the blast was clearly visible in the skies over Earth for 23 days and several hundred nights after. The explosion, now known as SN 1054, was so bright that Chinese astronomers dubbed … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Is There a Diamond Factory Near Earth’s Core?

diamond - deposit photos

The boundary zone between Earth’s molten metal core and the mantle, its rocky middle layer, might be a diamond factory. A new laboratory experiment finds that, under extreme temperatures and pressures, the combination of iron, carbon and water — all potential ingredients found at the core-mantle boundary — can form diamond. If this process also … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Turns Out Jupiter Looks Pretty Bland (To the Naked Eye)

Jupiter - NASA Juno Flyby

A new image captured by NASA’s Juno Jupiter explorer reveals features in the turbulent atmosphere of the solar system’s largest planet in the same colors a human observer would see them. Juno(opens in new tab) took the image on July 5, 2022, during its 43rd close flyby of Jupiter(opens in new tab) using its JunoCam instrument. The spacecraft … Read more

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Writer Fuel: The Hover Bike We’ve Always Wanted

hover bike

As a boy, Shuhei Komatsu loved Star Wars movies, especially the lightning-fast land speeders. So when he grew up, he decided to make one of his own, he said. “I wanted to make something from the movie real,” Komatsu said. “It’s a land speeder for the Dark Side.” On Wednesday, he and his AERWINS Technologies … Read more

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Writer Fuel: James Web Telescope Captures Confounding Image of Star Ripples

star ripples - NAS - James Webb telescope

The James Webb Space Telescope captured mysterious concentric rings around a distant star that astronomers are still working to explain. The image, taken in July, was released on Twitter (opens in new tab) by citizen scientist Judy Schmidt, prompting a torrent of comments and head-scratching. It shows a star (opens in new tab) known as … Read more