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Writer Fuel: Why You Should Build a “Frog Sauna”

frog sauna

All over the world, frogs are being wiped out by the chytrid fungus. At least 500 species have declined, including as many as 90 species now presumed extinct. This catastrophic and ongoing biodiversity loss surpasses the devastation wrought by other notorious invasive species such as cats, rats and even cane toads. Short of removing species … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Where Are the Oldest Rocks on Earth?

Jack Hills, Australia - Apple Maps

Earth has existed for 4.54 billion years, and during that time, our planet has undergone a number of violent transitions. This makes it difficult for researchers to find out what happened during Earth’s early history, as most of the evidence was destroyed eons ago. However, scientists have discovered ancient rocks scattered throughout the globe. These … Read more

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Writer Fuel: The State of Humanoid Robot Tech

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If you’re worried about humanoid robots taking your job in 2025, rest easy. The few commercially available models are slow, ponderous and best suited to menial jobs that humans hate — think lifting a 20-pound (9 kilograms) object onto a conveyor belt. But things are set to change. By the end of this decade, many … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Why Do Some Planets Have Hundreds of Moons?

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On Earth, you can look up at night and see the Moon shining bright from hundreds of thousands of miles away. But if you went to Venus, that wouldn’t be the case. Not every planet has a moon — so why do some planets have several moons, while others have none? I’m a physics instructor … Read more

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Writer Fuel: New Solar Paint Could Power Electric Vehicles – For Thousands of Miles

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A new type of solar paint could extend the range of electric vehicles (EVs) to thousands of miles. Revealing the technology on Nov. 24, automaker Mercedes-Benz representatives said its new photovoltaic paint could power an EV for up to 7,456 miles (12,000 kilometers) per year in optimal lighting conditions. The “nanoparticle” paint can be applied … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Sun-Powered Lasers Could Fuel Space Travel

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Laser beams powered by the sun are one small step closer to becoming a reality after researchers received funding to develop the pioneering technology. These lasers could eventually help power lunar bases and missions to Mars, and contribute to sustainable energy solutions on Earth, scientists say. In June, the international team of researchers announced it … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Do Black Holes really Evaporate?

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In 1974, Stephen Hawking put forward an intriguing idea: Using the principles of quantum physics, he predicted that even though nothing is supposed to escape a black hole’s event horizon, these cosmic beasts can actually emit particles. And by ejecting these particles, black holes will shrink over a very long time, eventually evaporate and possibly … Read more

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Writer Fuel: “Mirror Life Forms” Could be Deadly to Existing Life

Mirror Bacteria - Deposit Photos

When you look in a mirror, the reflection is fundamentally you, but with a perfect reversal of all your features. This illustrates a phenomenon we also see in the tiny world of molecules. Some molecules exist as mirror images of themselves, known as “enantiomers”, that can’t be superimposed on one another. This concept is known … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Killer Squirrels in California Have Developed a Taste for Flesh

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Ground squirrels usually eat seeds and nuts, but in a park in California, these cute, furry creatures have turned into carnivorous killers, mercilessly hunting down voles to peel the flesh from their bones. The unusual new behavior, which researchers caught on camera in Briones Regional Park in Contra Costa County, could be driven by an … Read more

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Writer Fuel: What is Fatal Familial Insomnia?

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Disease name: Fatal familial insomnia (FFI) Affected populations: The disease affects an estimated 1 to 2 people per million every year, according to the National Organization of Rare Disorders. FFI is passed from parent to child, and between 50 and 70 families worldwide are believed to carry the genetic mutation that causes FFI. Males and … Read more