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author upgrade

We realize that you might have a good year and surpass your current membership book limit partway through your current membership period. We don’t think it’s fair to make you pay full price for the next upgrade level.

So at any time during the year, authors who are current members can upgrade to the next level for just $20 – the difference in price between levels – for the rest of their term.

Here are our current levels:

  • 1-5 books: $20 per year
  • 6-15 books: $40 per year
  • 16-30 books: $60 per year
  • 31-50 books: $80 per year
  • 51-75 books: $100 per year
  • 76-105 books: $120 per year
  • 106-140 books: $140 per year
  • 141+ books: contact us

Upgrade below. Once we receive your upgrade info, we will update your account and let you know.

Pay by paypal account or credit card.

If you have any questions, please contact Scott at