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Review: Catsitter’s Curse – Angel Leigh McCoy

Catsitter's Curse - Angel Leigh McCoy

Genre: Cozy, Mystery, Metaphysical

Reviewer: Linda, Paranormal Romance Guild

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About The Book

When is a murder not a murder?

Kitty Kats, her daughter Diana, and of course Muse the King of Cats in Exile are back to solve a murder.

While catsitting for an old friend, Kitty comes face-to-face with good memories of her late husband and learns more than she ever wanted to know about her friend’s shady dealings.

Diana is investigating an illegal mining operation with Eagle the private detective, and when the fallout pulls the rug out from under Wyrdwood, a surprising group of citizens rises up to put things right.

Muse, meanwhile, is dealing with a stalker from his past. Muse is not amused.

This is the second cozy mystery in the Catsitter Mystery series. Contains light cussing–and cursing too.

The Review

Kitty Kats, Diana Kats and the King of Cats in Exile find themselves once again in trouble. After Kitty’s friend Martha’s husband Harold died, she decided to take him to England for burial, and needs Kitty to care for her two cats. When Kitty arrives, the house is in chaos, having been searched by someone, and once again she finds herself in the middle of a mystery. Although Martha said Harold died of food poisoning, Kitty is of the belief he was murdered – otherwise why would someone search the house?

Diana is working with Eagle Crenshaw, the private detective, on exposing an illegal mining operation. While searching the cave where the work is being done, she sees an old flame, a man who said the magic words “I love you” to her, and then she gave him her virginity. When the miners leave the cave, she and Eagle go in to search, but find no evidence that can be taken to court.

Then there is Muse, who comes face to face with an enemy, Scratch, responsible for killing his mate and having him blamed and exiled. A fight ensues, only Muse does not come out of it unscathed. Bleeding, covered in cuts and bites, he convinces himself that Scratch fared worse – only it was Muse who winds up at the vet, locked in a cage for treatment.

All three, Kitty, Muse and Diana, are in the middle of trouble, which seems to be a constant every time Kitty catsits. Kitty is convinced she is cursed, and nearly dying on three different occasions just enforces her belief. A man keeps finding his way into her house, putting her in danger. She continues investigating alone and with two cats named Smaug and Faffy, and of course Muse, who is always on guard, but since his exile unable to reveal his true self, and can’t speak. He has to settle for doing what a cat does best – yelp and scratch.

Diana is getting messages that indicate that she is in real danger. Like her mother, she keeps on her path, trying to find and destroy the illegal mining operation. Muse, of course, has one eye open in case Scratch shows up again, while trying to protect Kitty, who he has grown to love. It seems that these two humans and a cat just can’t stay out of trouble. They always find it, or it finds them.

While Kitty and Diana are working on solving their own cases, they discover that they cases may be related.

In book one, they managed to solve the case involving arson and kidnapping with surprise ending that blew me away. Now once again I was surprised by the ending ,and wonder when – or if – Kitty will get another catsitting job, and another mystery to solve.

Although I love Kitty and Diana, my favorite character is Muse. His thoughts and actions always bring a smile to my face. The relationship between Diana and her mother Kitty is not always perfect, but it is what real-life mothers and daughters often experience – complaining, whining, arguing and lots of love.

This is a fun, wonderful cozy mystery series that I highly recommend.

The Reviewer

The Paranormal Romance Guild was established in 2009 by 8 Indie Authors and one Reviewer to be a constant help for authors. You can be a free author member, submitting your work for review OR become a Premium Author Member for a small yearly fee and enjoy many extra services including Free Beta Reads, Author Giveaways and many others. Your reviews are posted on our 3 FB Sites, Amazon, Goodreads, Twitter and Instagram. WE REVIEW ALL GENRES LGBTQ+ welcome.

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